Kate Watters Creative

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Birthday in the Sky

My friends are all massive birthday celebration people and make sure everyone gets their special week (because just one day is never enough, I mean, really). I love getting together with all my friends so this is pretty much my ideal situation; I get to see all of them and usually doing something I enjoy. Best of both worlds.

There were boys at the party, I promise. They actually accounted for half the party. How they all managed to stay behind the cameras is beyond me. We maxed out Mbar’s 20 person reservation limit.

Turning 27 and having people tell me how close to thirty I am was less delightful but apparently comes with the territory? 

But something that made up for getting older (and all the unwanted comments that go along with that - thanks random strangers for your unsolicited opinions) was getting to surprise all my wonderful friends with a dinner at Mbar! None of them had been before, and most of them aren’t originally from Seattle. Watching their faces as they walked out onto the rooftop to see an unobstructed view of Lake Union, directly in front of them, and then, to the west, the Space Needle and the mountains in the distance. Getting to watch that sun set was extra special for this Seattle native. Because I really do live in the prettiest place in the world.

Let’s not forget the food, though. You all know I’m a sucker for a seasonal menu and Mbar does it right. With a group as large as ours we had the advantage of ordering one of everything and I can say without a doubt, everything on the menu is utterly scrumptious. We were suddenly all members of the Clean Plate Club. Not a single food remnant was left once we were done. We even ordered more. It was seriously that good.

Mbar’s Falafel with Beer Labneh was entirely delectable