SWC Reads: What I Was Doing While You Were Breeding

Travel is without a doubt one of my most favorite things to do, but also to read about. And no one writes about travel quite like Kristin Newman.  A screen writer who is credited with shows like That 70s Show and How I Met Your Mother, she spends weeks at a time traversing the globe and getting into some of the wildest (and yet still somehow relatable?) situations a girl could dream up. Before my backpacking trip through Europe in 2017 I bought a copy of this book for all the girls who would be traveling with me.


We all loved going along for the ride as Kristin shared her experiences, vacationships, and the lessons she learned along the way. As the rest of her friends were settling down, getting married, and having kids, our intrepid author was off exploring the globe with enviable spontaneity and a sense of adventure that rivals Lemuel Gulliver.

These days I recommend this book to anyone asking what they should read on the plane. “Get into the spirit of traveling!” I’ll tell them, hoping they can adopt some of the lighthearted spontaneity Newman so easily captures in her stories. But, also, the lessons she winds through the tales, however relatable, or not, depends all on the reader.

So give it a chance, pick it up for your next flight! But be warned, you will genuinely laugh out loud while reading this!


The Ultimate Tokyo Art Walk


Birthday in the Sky