SWC Reads: How to be Parisian Wherever You Are

When I went to buy this book I’d already read half of it (and then been forced to return it to the library). I thought I knew exactly where to go to find it again but after searching high and low, and every display, I finally gave up and asked a bookseller for help.


“I’ve looked everywhere in your Humor section but can’t seem to find How to be Parisian Wherever You Are anywhere!” I lamented, “Do you not have it?”

“It’s in Self Help” came his reply.

“Self help? But it’s so tongue-in-cheek!” I was shocked.

He shrugged, “Some people are into that.”

Apparently, I’m ‘some people’, because I very much enjoy this book.


The four authors take a topic we all know and love, French women, and spin us the delightful tale of a character who is utterly relatable and yet no closer to my own life than I am to the Queen. It seems feminine struggles are universal but it is the way these French women attack them that makes this book a delight and a classic.

What’s a book you thought belonged in a different genre?




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