Kate Watters Creative

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Tips for Being the Best Overnight Guest

Hosting friends, and being hosted by them, is something I can’t wait to do now that things are opening up a little more but there’s a right, and wrong, way of doing that.

Here are some rules I always follow when I’m a guest in someone’s home.

Never arrive empty handed. Whether that means showing up with flowers, a dessert, or a bottle of wine, you never want to get to someone’s front door without a gift for your host!

Offer to help. Doesn’t matter if that means cooking a meal, doing the dishes, or manning the grill, you might be their guest but that doesn’t mean your friends should be waiting on you like hotel staff.

Be a good steward of your space. While you’re the guest you should treat everything with respect, make your bed and fold up your towels, even if you don’t at home. Make sure your friends don’t have to clean up after you when you’re gone and they’ll be more likely to want to invite you back!

Always send a thank you note. In this modern age a handwritten note isn’t always required, but it certainly is memorable, and endearing to the people who receive it!

