Kate Watters Creative

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The DIY Hair Mask I Swear By

Hair care is something I’m alllll about, after all it is one of the first things people see when they look at you, especially from a distance! And as a redhead, my hair is my favorite accessory. So, naturally, I’m gonna go out of my way to take extra special care of it. This is a trick I picked up ages ago and have used ever since. The result? I haven’t had split ends since high school (roughly a decade for those of you counting). That being said, I’m here today to offer you one of my most favorite tips on how to keep you locks bright, shiny, and healthy!

What You’ll Need:

3 tsp Coconut Oil

3 tsp Castor Oil


Something to tie your hair up with that you don’t mind if it smells like coconuts for the rest of eternity (I use an old bandanna and look like Rosie the Riveter every time)

A microwavable bowl

Stick the coconut oil in the microwave for 15 seconds to melt it enough to pour into the microwaveable bowl (coconut oil is a solid at room temp).

Combine 3 tsp Coconut Oil with 3 tsp Castor Oil and heat in the microwave for 30 seconds.

Brush out your hair. Get rid of any loose hairs, you won’t want to deal with them when your fingers are covered in hot oil!

Dip you fingers in the bowl of hot oil and, starting at the ends, gently working it into your hair. Once you’ve made your way up your mane, GENTLY massage the oil into your roots.

(You can also rub the oil into your eyebrows but be careful! Coconut oil is know to clog pores so you don’t want to leave it on your skin!)

Twist your hair up like you would if you were going to put it in a messy bun without a hair tie.

Use the bandanna to tie up your hair, making sure to cover all your hair so none of it is exposed.

Go to sleep.

Wake up in the morning and DOUBLE shampoo the oil out of your hair.

It is super important to shampoo your hair twice or you’re going to be an absolute grease ball the whole day! One of my girlfriends used to be on the ‘no shampoo’ bandwagon back in the day and she could not get the oil out of her hair for anything and ended up having to borrow shampoo to get it out. So please just trust me and shampoo it twice! I promise it will not dry out or damage your hair in any way! (But please treat your hair with kindness and use a shampoo without sulfates or parabens).

Style your hair like normal!

That’s it! It is seriously that simple! Do this every other week and I promise you will see serious results! Doing this more than once every couple of weeks will actually make your hair so silky and slippery that it won’t hold any shape so please don’t think that if a little is good, more is better! This should really be a twice a month hair mask.

